Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Italy DLO



During week 1 Room 9 and 10 got a surprise parcel nobody knew what it was. We open the surprise parcel  and found letters from kids just like us but all over the world we had a buddy and read the letter we got and after we had to make a DLO on our country  we had to include holidays,clothing ,What they did at school and after school what food they eat and more we got the country Italy and I did it with my friend Bella.

I learnt how to add  audio recorded on a our  slide.I also learnt the map of Italy is like a boat. Another new thing I learnt was how to link a Page to a image on our slide. You can do this by clicking on your image and finding the page you want for it to link to and Ctrl c the searching bar and click the button that looks  like a paper clip and Ctrl v it to the bar that has apply at the end.

I found it easy to find information about italy kids to put on our DLO.I also found it easy to add page on your images once I learnt how to add page to an image.

I really enjoyed learning about Italy and creating what I learnt on a DLO. I also enjoyed learning how to record and add it on to a slide. I also really enjoyed add webpages to my images.

I found it hard to add webpage to our DLO at first but when Mrs Poole showed Room 9 and 10  then I found it easy.I also found it hard to add audio recording to the slide.

Next time we need to  add more audio to our DLO. also we need to add a little bit more facts to our DLO.

I was being a researcher  and I was choosing the right source of the information needed.



  1. Ciao, Welldone the slide looks awesome with lots of research information. I like how yummy foor in Italy looks, I would like to know how many people live in Italy and if they are good at sports?

  2. Wonderful job Ella. You have done such a good job on the slide, lots of interesting information. The dance looks very fun, I wonder if it would be easy to learn.
    The food looks delicious makes me want to visit Italy, maybe you could add a little recipe for that yummy pizza next time.

    Good job!!

  3. Will done miss Ella, You certainly have been very busy learning all these wonderful things, doing lots of research. I would love to visit Rome and see all their ancient sites like the Colosseum. I wonder what traditional clothes boys and men in Italy. Well Done


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