Monday, November 16, 2020

DLO Frogs life cycle


We were learning to write explanation writing.Explanation writing is explaining your topic to your reader my topic is the life cycle of a frog.You need to have a topic that you are going to explain, a purpose is a short describes of what your topic is, A main body that's when you explain what happens in the life cycle that you are doing,conclusion when you sum up all your information.And then we had to make a DLO(digital learning object) on our topic.

I found it easy to create the eggs,tadpole,froglet and the adult frog by myself on google drawings.I used curve to trace over some of the images to make it easier. I also found it easy to get lots of research note of the life cycle of the frog.

I really enjoyed creating a DLO and adding a creating  the eggs,tadpole,froglet and adult frog.I also enjoyed researching and find more imformatiuon about the frogs life cycle.

I found it challenging to make  the frog,froglet,tadpole and frog out of shapes.But the I remembered That curve and poline is a easier way  to trace around images.

Next time I could add some more some facts on my DLO because I did not add lots of facts on my DLO.I also need to add audio to my DLO.

I was being a resarcher and I was organise data and information that  I gather .



1 comment:

  1. The arrows are great to follow to really show how the life cycle goes, 7 weeks is pretty fast to grow a tail and legs! I would love to know how long a frog lives for?


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