Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Italy DLO



During week 1 Room 9 and 10 got a surprise parcel nobody knew what it was. We open the surprise parcel  and found letters from kids just like us but all over the world we had a buddy and read the letter we got and after we had to make a DLO on our country  we had to include holidays,clothing ,What they did at school and after school what food they eat and more we got the country Italy and I did it with my friend Bella.

I learnt how to add  audio recorded on a our  slide.I also learnt the map of Italy is like a boat. Another new thing I learnt was how to link a Page to a image on our slide. You can do this by clicking on your image and finding the page you want for it to link to and Ctrl c the searching bar and click the button that looks  like a paper clip and Ctrl v it to the bar that has apply at the end.

I found it easy to find information about italy kids to put on our DLO.I also found it easy to add page on your images once I learnt how to add page to an image.

I really enjoyed learning about Italy and creating what I learnt on a DLO. I also enjoyed learning how to record and add it on to a slide. I also really enjoyed add webpages to my images.

I found it hard to add webpage to our DLO at first but when Mrs Poole showed Room 9 and 10  then I found it easy.I also found it hard to add audio recording to the slide.

Next time we need to  add more audio to our DLO. also we need to add a little bit more facts to our DLO.

I was being a researcher  and I was choosing the right source of the information needed.


Monday, November 16, 2020

DLO Frogs life cycle


We were learning to write explanation writing.Explanation writing is explaining your topic to your reader my topic is the life cycle of a frog.You need to have a topic that you are going to explain, a purpose is a short describes of what your topic is, A main body that's when you explain what happens in the life cycle that you are doing,conclusion when you sum up all your information.And then we had to make a DLO(digital learning object) on our topic.

I found it easy to create the eggs,tadpole,froglet and the adult frog by myself on google drawings.I used curve to trace over some of the images to make it easier. I also found it easy to get lots of research note of the life cycle of the frog.

I really enjoyed creating a DLO and adding a creating  the eggs,tadpole,froglet and adult frog.I also enjoyed researching and find more imformatiuon about the frogs life cycle.

I found it challenging to make  the frog,froglet,tadpole and frog out of shapes.But the I remembered That curve and poline is a easier way  to trace around images.

Next time I could add some more some facts on my DLO because I did not add lots of facts on my DLO.I also need to add audio to my DLO.

I was being a resarcher and I was organise data and information that  I gather .