Thursday, December 3, 2020

Summer roses


 Roses Coloured  by Vincent van Gogh

                                                         Roses coloured  by Ella Papworth

I changed the colours  in my one because the colours in the original colours where pretty dark and I also love red and white roses.

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Italy DLO



During week 1 Room 9 and 10 got a surprise parcel nobody knew what it was. We open the surprise parcel  and found letters from kids just like us but all over the world we had a buddy and read the letter we got and after we had to make a DLO on our country  we had to include holidays,clothing ,What they did at school and after school what food they eat and more we got the country Italy and I did it with my friend Bella.

I learnt how to add  audio recorded on a our  slide.I also learnt the map of Italy is like a boat. Another new thing I learnt was how to link a Page to a image on our slide. You can do this by clicking on your image and finding the page you want for it to link to and Ctrl c the searching bar and click the button that looks  like a paper clip and Ctrl v it to the bar that has apply at the end.

I found it easy to find information about italy kids to put on our DLO.I also found it easy to add page on your images once I learnt how to add page to an image.

I really enjoyed learning about Italy and creating what I learnt on a DLO. I also enjoyed learning how to record and add it on to a slide. I also really enjoyed add webpages to my images.

I found it hard to add webpage to our DLO at first but when Mrs Poole showed Room 9 and 10  then I found it easy.I also found it hard to add audio recording to the slide.

Next time we need to  add more audio to our DLO. also we need to add a little bit more facts to our DLO.

I was being a researcher  and I was choosing the right source of the information needed.


Monday, November 16, 2020

DLO Frogs life cycle


We were learning to write explanation writing.Explanation writing is explaining your topic to your reader my topic is the life cycle of a frog.You need to have a topic that you are going to explain, a purpose is a short describes of what your topic is, A main body that's when you explain what happens in the life cycle that you are doing,conclusion when you sum up all your information.And then we had to make a DLO(digital learning object) on our topic.

I found it easy to create the eggs,tadpole,froglet and the adult frog by myself on google drawings.I used curve to trace over some of the images to make it easier. I also found it easy to get lots of research note of the life cycle of the frog.

I really enjoyed creating a DLO and adding a creating  the eggs,tadpole,froglet and adult frog.I also enjoyed researching and find more imformatiuon about the frogs life cycle.

I found it challenging to make  the frog,froglet,tadpole and frog out of shapes.But the I remembered That curve and poline is a easier way  to trace around images.

Next time I could add some more some facts on my DLO because I did not add lots of facts on my DLO.I also need to add audio to my DLO.

I was being a resarcher and I was organise data and information that  I gather .



Wednesday, September 16, 2020



 We were learning about plants and soil and we got to grow our own plants and you could choose from 
a sunflower or a carrot I planted   a sunflower and then we need to research our plant and put our research on slides.I found it easy to research all my questions that I wanted the answer to.
I really enjoyed research facts about sunflowers and finding out more about them.Next time I need to 
add more facts about sunflower on my slides.     

Matilda movie trailer


We were learning to use a powtoon to make a movie trailer mine was on matilda.
I found it easy to get main bits of the movie and book because I have read the book a couple of times and watched the movie couple times too.I found it hard because my powtoon when frozen couple of times 
and I need to reload my powtoon.I really enjoyed making the fun parts and the main parts of the movie because it was fun to be creative with the parts.Next time I should add more props and sound to make it more interesting.

Monday, September 14, 2020

How to play rob the nest!!



Today in writing I was writing instructions on  how to play rob the nest.I found it easy to add lots of detail to  all my steps.I found it challenging to be specific on where you need to  put the hula hoops.Next time what I should do is make my last slide in a method (steps) instead of a paragraphs like what I  have done this time. 

Monday, September 7, 2020

The BFG description



Today in reading I was writing a description on the BFG we are also reading the BFG book.I found it easy to use my imagination to make  really good ideas of where the BFG lived , smelled like,what he did in his spare time and more. I found it challenging to make some of my ideas make sense.I really enjoyed using my imagination to create and make ideas about the BFG. Next time I need to add more detail and maybe I could use some of the BFG language.      

Friday, August 21, 2020

Animal report


I have been learning to write a report about cats and kittens.I found it easy to find the image for the slides and change the brightness .I found it challenging because I was a away for a week so I had a lot to catch up on.I really enjoyed learning about cats and kittens and finding interesting facts.Next time I should try to do some at home.

Thursday, August 20, 2020

How to write a good blog comment

I was  learning to make a good and positive  blog comment. We need to write our name and what school we go to and a positive comment and you need to ask a question at the end .I really enjoyed choosing what to write with all the different options. I found it challenging at the start when you needed to move the fridge and writing from a slide to a google drawing but Mrs Poole showed room 9 and 10 how to use away to get all your text boxes to the google drawing. Next time I need to try harder  at dragging the text boxes to the right place.

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Art with Miss G

This time at Miss Gs we were learning to make chinese dragons and to use the technique of water paints and how to use the brush probably . I found it hard to get the right a mound  of paint with the water paints. I found it easy how to draw the moth and nose and eyes.I really enjoyed that we only had to draw the first side of its face and to get the other you scratch the side with a pecinel . Next time i need to try a little harder to paint it better. 

Friday, July 3, 2020

My speech on Cockroaches Screencastify

This Week we have been learning to use screencastify to record our speeches with slides . I found it easy to to learn how to make the  screencastify videos .I found it hard to stop the videos because the first couple times I did not now how to stop recording .I really enjoyed recording my speech and making the slides to go with it.Next time I need to make more slides to go with my speech .

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Anzac day

We have been learning about the war in gallipoli on April the 25th .
I really enjoyed learning more about the war . I found it easy to get the  puzzle on to the slide  and do the learning.I found it hard to put the put the puzzle in the right place .Next time I need to work faster
to get more work done .

Tuesday, May 26, 2020


 We have been learning to do Inferencing . I found it easy to answer the questions  .
I found it hard to find background for all the slides .I really enjoyed editing the slides and answer questions  .Next time I need to work faster so I can get I done quicker.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Collage creation.

We are learning to create things on google drawings of extinct animals .I found it easy to find the texture and shapes to make my moa .I really enjoyed this because I learn how to make my animals
look real with the texures.Next time i need to work faster to get more work done.

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

tote tray label

This my tote tray label we made this with Mrs Poole  
on  week 2 I put a cat on my tote tray label (my favorite animal! )I 
found  it challenging to keep the box the right size and next time I want to make my
background more colourful ! 

Monday, March 23, 2020


This is my pepeha we did this on week 2 and 3 you need to draw your mountain waka river marae and a sun  I hope next time I draw my sun better I found it challenging to draw my waka . 

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

2020 T-shirt

This is my T-shirt it is all about me.  We made this on the first week of school. We put 
on our favorite place, colour, fruit, vegetable, subject, animal, sport, drink, movie and book.
I found the most challenging  part was having to draw myself.  I hope next time I can draw my self better.