Friday, July 30, 2021

Famous New Zealanders


                                                      This week at school we have been making slides on a famous singer,actor,artist.I chose a singer lorde.You had to add detail on each slide about Why are the famous,Early life,General information,Achievements,Interesting facts and why I chose this person.

Friday, July 9, 2021


On Tuesday we did digital maths.On the slide that our teacher makes is a maths warm up and the two problems to solve. Then there is 3 challenges to do there is make your own problem.Then add a math Prototec certificate and then make an image using mathematical shapes.    


Friday, July 2, 2021

Maths slides.

Yesterday our Teacher setted up maths slides online for our class to do.There was a maths warm up and then a couple problems to solve there was one that you had to pretend you were shopping and buy stuff all the way up to 1000.After you finished you had to do prototec and the paste your certificate  on the slide and the last two were make a maths problem of your choice and make a image using mathematical shapes.

Thursday, July 1, 2021


 Today I did a maths Prototec and got 62% in 4 mins and 6 seconds.