Wednesday, August 11, 2021

ASB Get wise saving goal.


Today we did a zoom call with a lady from ASB on how to make goals with money to save up for something.
When we were done we made a slide on what we want to save up for and how we are going to do it.

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Maths prototec

Today I did maths prototec and got 87% on stage 6.

Friday, July 30, 2021

Famous New Zealanders


                                                      This week at school we have been making slides on a famous singer,actor,artist.I chose a singer lorde.You had to add detail on each slide about Why are the famous,Early life,General information,Achievements,Interesting facts and why I chose this person.

Friday, July 9, 2021


On Tuesday we did digital maths.On the slide that our teacher makes is a maths warm up and the two problems to solve. Then there is 3 challenges to do there is make your own problem.Then add a math Prototec certificate and then make an image using mathematical shapes.    


Friday, July 2, 2021

Maths slides.

Yesterday our Teacher setted up maths slides online for our class to do.There was a maths warm up and then a couple problems to solve there was one that you had to pretend you were shopping and buy stuff all the way up to 1000.After you finished you had to do prototec and the paste your certificate  on the slide and the last two were make a maths problem of your choice and make a image using mathematical shapes.

Thursday, July 1, 2021


 Today I did a maths Prototec and got 62% in 4 mins and 6 seconds.

Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Weekly Quiz.


Yesterday and Today our class was doing a Weekly quiz you use google to find answers to the question you need to find out. I loved answer the visual questions.But at the end I got all of them right.

Maths Prototec.


Today we were doing maths prototec.I found the times table very easy and i found the adding to one hurands.I was proud of myself because I got 72% on stage 6. 

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Maths problems

   A couple of weeks ago we were doing digital maths.We had our first problem and then if you finished fast  or still have time left you move on to the Extension.I really enjoyed working out the first question because I really like timetables.


Friday, June 11, 2021

Maths protoec

 Today I got 67 percent non stage 6 in maths prototec.In maths prototec There is stages to choose from on stage 6 there is mutiplecation subtraction times tables and dividing.       

Respect Poster


Today we were making Respect posters.It was really fun to find respect quotes and images to put on the slide to make create poster.

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Should kids have cellphones at school.



We have been learning how to write opinion writing .I find opinion writing really fun because Its really fun explaining my think about the topic.


A couple of weeks ago we were making digital logo art.It was really fun finding logos to put on the slide that we were making it on.



 Today for Reading priorities I did spelling to do this you have to write down your words on a whiteboard and like if your word was picnic then you write it on the whiteboard and then you chose 5 words and make them into sentences like if your word was south you could make a sentence like we when to the south island. My favorite sentence was My favorite colour is pink.

Reading about Tigers


Today we were reading about Tigers.I really enjoyed finding information about tigers  after we finished reading we had to answer a  question sheet.You had to fill in words and then on the other side there were questions about the text.One fact I learnt is that tigers stripes are in it fur as well there in the tigers skin!


Famous New Zealanders.



This week we were doing resaher about a famous New Zealanders you could choose any but they had to be famous. I chose Jacinda ardern to resaher. You need to find stuff for questions like What was this person early life like and What do you already know about this person why is this person famous and more.I really enjoyed reasaher Jacinda ardern.Next time I would like to find out more in the time i have been given.                  

My most disgusting meal ever!



A couple of weeks ago Our class was writing about the most disgusting meal ever!
I made mine a narrative, Next time I want to add more detail in my writing.

Maths Prototec


Today I  was doing maths prototec,Maths Prototec is an online maths quiz that has four columns. Some have Muitipication subtracting times tables and more.I got 75 percent in 8 minutes.If you want to use Maths prototec there is a link on the image.  

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Rock candy Science Experiment!


This week on Wednesday and Thursday our class will be making rock candy! This is a image that I had made on Chemix.Org. Click  Here for the method.

Friday, April 9, 2021

REACH poster.


Today we were making REACH poster for the wall you had to use the 5 reach values Respect,Excellence,Attitude,Community and Have a heart. In each of the boxes you added images or words that matched the value.

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Killer whales.


Today we were learning about Killer whales.You need to read a page that had facts and information about killer whales.After that you answer the questions on the next slide.Then you made a poster about killer whales.Next time I might add more photos to my poster. 

Friday, February 19, 2021

All about me.

 We learned how to write all about me.We had to use the planning sheet to get ideas and then write it out in sentences ourselfs.

I liked using the planning sheet because it gave me some good ideas for my writing.
Do you think my pictures at the bottom match my writing?