Wednesday, September 16, 2020



 We were learning about plants and soil and we got to grow our own plants and you could choose from 
a sunflower or a carrot I planted   a sunflower and then we need to research our plant and put our research on slides.I found it easy to research all my questions that I wanted the answer to.
I really enjoyed research facts about sunflowers and finding out more about them.Next time I need to 
add more facts about sunflower on my slides.     

Matilda movie trailer


We were learning to use a powtoon to make a movie trailer mine was on matilda.
I found it easy to get main bits of the movie and book because I have read the book a couple of times and watched the movie couple times too.I found it hard because my powtoon when frozen couple of times 
and I need to reload my powtoon.I really enjoyed making the fun parts and the main parts of the movie because it was fun to be creative with the parts.Next time I should add more props and sound to make it more interesting.

Monday, September 14, 2020

How to play rob the nest!!



Today in writing I was writing instructions on  how to play rob the nest.I found it easy to add lots of detail to  all my steps.I found it challenging to be specific on where you need to  put the hula hoops.Next time what I should do is make my last slide in a method (steps) instead of a paragraphs like what I  have done this time. 

Monday, September 7, 2020

The BFG description



Today in reading I was writing a description on the BFG we are also reading the BFG book.I found it easy to use my imagination to make  really good ideas of where the BFG lived , smelled like,what he did in his spare time and more. I found it challenging to make some of my ideas make sense.I really enjoyed using my imagination to create and make ideas about the BFG. Next time I need to add more detail and maybe I could use some of the BFG language.