Friday, August 21, 2020

Animal report


I have been learning to write a report about cats and kittens.I found it easy to find the image for the slides and change the brightness .I found it challenging because I was a away for a week so I had a lot to catch up on.I really enjoyed learning about cats and kittens and finding interesting facts.Next time I should try to do some at home.

Thursday, August 20, 2020

How to write a good blog comment

I was  learning to make a good and positive  blog comment. We need to write our name and what school we go to and a positive comment and you need to ask a question at the end .I really enjoyed choosing what to write with all the different options. I found it challenging at the start when you needed to move the fridge and writing from a slide to a google drawing but Mrs Poole showed room 9 and 10 how to use away to get all your text boxes to the google drawing. Next time I need to try harder  at dragging the text boxes to the right place.